Local Authorities & Councils


We will help you to serve your community. We provide support and services as and where we can, whilst guiding you around potential pitfalls.

Many Councils won’t have delivered a Skatepark before. Due to the longevity of concrete, they may not again.

We offer expertise, guidance and advice based on our experience of delivering over 100 Skateparks both locally internationally.

Connecting with end-users

We aim to know and understand your community as well as you do. There is no replacement for the time you spend with them.

Our team is comprised of skaters, riders and play experts who speak the language of your local user-group. We act as the important link between you and them (we know skatepark features can be confusing).

How we can help:

  • Site Assessments and Project Feasibility

  • Project Road Maps

  • Planning Applications

  • Funding Applications

  • Indicative Design

Consultation Events:

  • School Assemblies and Lessons

  • Design Sessions

  • Community Days – Summer Fetes, etc.

Wheelscape Local Authorities & Councils